The Real Secret To Winning Sports Betting

The Real Secret To Winning Sports Betting
Most people lose money betting on sports because they fail to do the one thing required to win. All successful sports bettors have one thing in common. They never make a bet without first knowing they have an edge. They know that exploiting a bunch of small edges is the real secret to winning sports betting.
It is the exact same thing the gambling casinos do to you when you are playing table games or slot machines. They have a small edge, and sometimes a big one, they know will make them profitable over time no matter who does what. A big winner doesn't bother them because they know they will win over time. The big wins are figured into it and the profits roll in.
Sports betting is the only kind of gambling that allows the knowledgeable bettor to gain an edge. The books can afford to let the skillful win. At -110, they can afford a lot of skillful winners. Any edge you can gain in a casino game would be closed as soon as it could be identified. The vig offsets the ability to control the advantages.
The winning bettor has many edges they have accumulated, and they never place a bet when they don't have a known edge. And you shouldn't either.
You can win with luck and no edge. But you can't win consistently if you depend on luck. Start today with gathering up your known edges. Put them on a list or a chart. Bet them every time you can. That is the real secret to winning sports betting.

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